Together with the world’s leading machinery and plant manufacturer Dürr, we were once again able to impress a jury with our joint performance – this time at the German Brand Award. The competition is considered one of the most important German brand awards and pushes the design-oriented economy even further.
Dürr’s new corporate design won the Excellence Award in the “Brand Design” category. “We are very pleased to receive this award, as it confirms our performance,” says Susanne Wacker, Founder and Managing Partner.

The Dürr company stands for strong expertise in the fields of automation and digitalisation. “In the new visual language, we wanted to combine Dürr’s many years of technical expertise with its future orientation and create recognisable and convincing design elements,” says Daniela Nett, project manager of the corporate design relaunch at Dürr.
“The newly developed design deliberately emphasises Dürr’s traditional strengths, but essentially highlights the company’s innovative strength,” adds Wolfram Schäffer, Founder and Managing Partner. The joint creative process between the agency and the company also contributed significantly to the result. The resulting corporate design manages to make the brand even more tangible and enables a visual, consistent presence in all channels – with a digital brand impact.
“Our new design has convinced internally and also externally, and often even inspired. At the same time, it conveys clarity and precision – for us as a globally operating technology group, this is a very successful combination”,Dr Sunia Lausberg, Senior Manager Marketing, Dürr Systems AG.

is a competition of the German Brand Institute and makes brand success visible in a unique way. The Institute was founded by the German Design Council and GMK Markenberatung to strengthen brand management as a decisive success factor for companies in the national and international competitive environment. It sees itself as a source of impetus for the German brand industry, bringing together the most important brand makers and stimulating dialog.